
December 07, 2017

Classic Design Press Sightings

We have a couple of press sightings that we want to share! It’s always so nice to see the pieces we fabricate and restore in residence.

We made several pieces for Sophie Amorosa, of Nasty Gal fame, last year, and they were featured in a story in C Magazine last November.

Images can be found here: custom bed, Jean Royere sofa. We also made a set of barstools, that are not shown in the C Magazine spread, but a glimpse of them can be seen in this Chase commercial that is currently airing. 

Additionally, we fabricated the curved sofa in the spread below, as well as restoring & reupholstering the set of rare Jorge Zalszupin lounge chairs.

We had a lot of fun researching the Jorge Zalszupin lounge chairs, because of course we wanted to ensure that our restoration was exactly as they were originally made. The chairs can be seen here (and the sofa here. We also made the sofa for another client with a few modifications, which can be seen here.