
April 19, 2019

Another JMF Style Sectional

We just completed another Jean-Michel Frank style sectional sofa.  This one was built in 3 pieces, and measures 138" x 156" x 42" D.  The lines are truly stunning, and the comfort is beyond words!

April 08, 2019

Canopy Bed in Luxe Magazine

In 2015, we made this beautiful canopy bed for a project in the Bay Area.  Designed by Handel Architects in San Francisco, this king size bed was made in solid walnut, and features a elegant brass canopy.

Luxe Magazine featured the project in May 2018, and wrote a nice piece about Handel's principal designer and architect Richard Felix-Ashman.  Please feel free to check out the full article at https://luxedaily.luxesource.com/.

April 02, 2019

Utrecht Armchairs Restored!

Designed by Dutch architect Gerrit Thomas Rietveld in 1935, the Utrecht Armchair was meant to represent a functional mix of design, comfort, and relaxation.  It is now manufactured by Cassina in two types of stitching and five different fabric options.

When one of our clients contacted us to reupholster two Utrecht chairs in a very special silk fabric, we jumped at the opportunity.

The fabric, made in Italy, has a very special pattern and repeat, and thus took weeks to get the cutting and sewing done correctly.  But, it was worth the effort, as the chairs came out beautifully!